We are a non-denominational Church standing on the Word of God, Spirit filled and pointing always to Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.
Statement of Faith:-
We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God, making it completely trustworthy and the ultimate authority on what we should believe and how we should live. Living out biblical teaching is crucial to Christian faith; a faith that must show itself through love for each other, practical service and social concern.
We see God as He is shown in the Bible: Father, Son and Holy Spirit – a Trinity. God; the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; graciously rules over everything.
Every person is born a sinner and, guilty of missing God's standard of perfect living, is subject to God's judgement. Sinful people can only be made right with God by the grace of God, through faith in Jesus Christ and His death and resurrection.
Jesus, the Son of God in human form, died in our place to completely pay the price, once and for all, to free us from the guilt and power of sin and from its eternal consequences. The Holy Spirit lives in Christians to reveal God to them, renew them and make them holy.
Christians are God's servants, committed to proclaim God's good news throughout the world and look for the time when the world will see Jesus Christ return as Lord, in power and glory.
Pastors Rachel & David Kuru March 2020
Our Members
Our members are made up of permanent residents, those with holiday homes and holiday visitors, many of which return to us whenever they are here.
In our membership we are fortunate to have those who have blessed us with their preaching ministry.
Our Guest Speakers -
Pastors Margaret and Kevin Peat
Pastor Chris Herman and his wife Sue
Silvano & Anne Perretto
Silvano and Anne Peretto from Italy and the
Italian Church "Chiesa Evangelica Di Vicenza".
Pastor Philip Laver
Pastor Philip was Pastor of South
Street Church Eastbourne until
2010. He and his wife Valerie are from
Pastor Jamie Tonge and his wife Christine