Bible Study 2024



Psalm 91 addresses the theme of the dangers of life. The world can be a threatening place. Dangers in life are real.

A few weeks ago, we discussed the first four verses (1-4)  of Psalm 91. 

We saw that when we abide or stay in God's presence, we are maintaining intimate relationship, 

close communion with God our Father through Jesus Christ.

There is the promise of protection and security for the Christian who dwells in the ‘shelter of the Most High’. 

It is personal- ‘my refuge, my fortress…under His wings, YOU will find refuge..’ 

It is the source of our safety - His love and power keeping us as we trust in Him. 

Theologian’s quote : ‘We cannot rest in God until we nest in God.

To nest is to settle/abide.’

            FOCUS VERSES : Psalm 91:5-13 (read)

The emphasis on these verses is that the Lord and His angels watch over us.

>Verses 5-8 : what are some fears mentioned here ? Terror of night, pestilence, plagues, the wicked.

“Do not fear”- is one of the repeated commands in the whole Bible. 

What are some reasons why we are not fear from theses verses? 

We are not to fear as a Christian because :

Vv.3-4 : God covers us with His wings. This is wonderful imagery of a mother bird protecting her children. 

This is exactly what God did for us by sending Jesus to die in our place. 

Vv 5-6 : God is with you night and day ( refer to Psalm 121:3-6 ). God is always at work. 

He stays awake at nights which means you don't have to... worrying about circumstances of life. 

He is present with you as you go about your day’s activities.

Vv 7-8 : God is with you no matter how bad life gets. The relationship we have as Christians with God is so special.

It can be described like a Father/child family relationship. 

Whether a thousand or more things are happening to you, God is there in this special way still loving you and protecting you.

>Verses 9-13 : we are to put our confidence and look to God for protection. 

What are some promises the psalmist mentions here?

ADDITIONAL PROMISES for you as you abide under the shadow of the Almighty :

        *No harm will overtake you (vv. 9-10) when you are in Christ, dwelling in the shadow of the Almighty, 

no disaster will come near you ;

        *His angels will guard you in ALL your ways (vv. 11-12). This is like God's personal security team for you.

        *You have God's power over the enemy (v13).’ Lions and cobras, dangerous enemies, are images of Satan. 

The enemy’s aim is to steal, kill and destroy. Knowing that you are safe in God's care, you need not fear. 

You can boldly confront and trample  ‘lions and cobras’ or danger.

God's means of PROTECTING US us are so much greater than Satan's means of OPPOSING US.

PLEASE NOTE : God promises protection from harm, not foolishness. 

We can sometimes be foolish and use these promises to test the Lord.

In Matthew 4:5-7 (read ), Jesus defeats Satan in the wilderness. Satan misused these verses 11-12 

by saying ‘if you are the Son of God, throw yourself down….’( something the Father never commanded).

So don't be foolish and test the Lord ( Jesus counters with Deuteronomy 6:16 !)

Do you think sometimes these promises appear to be unrealistic ? 

God's promises are not limited to this life. 

If we limit theses promises to this life, we will tend to think that ‘toe-stubbing’ for example is never part of the Christian’s lot.

We will tend to think falsely that Christians do not suffer or get ill. We know this is not true. 

So yes we will stumble BUT not fall. Yes we will have trials BUT triumph because we are in God's faithful care.

      **You need to look ahead , keep eternity in mind when you are in your ‘Gethsemane of suffering’.

Jesus was focused in His suffering on doing the Father's will.

     **When you are in Christ, no matter what happens God is with you. God is taking care of you. 

     **Keep looking to Him - the Most High, the Almighty, “my refuge and my fortress” 

as you allow His will, not yours, to be done.



Winning the Battle for Your Mind (2)

“THEREFORE, [there is] now no condemnation (no adjudging guilty of wrong) for those who are in Christ Jesus, 

who live [and] walk not after the dictates of the flesh, but after the dictates of the Spirit. [John 3:18.]”

Romans 8:1 (AMPC)

Don’t receive condemnation when you have setbacks or bad days.Each of us will fail at times, as we are all human!

The devil will try his hardest to stop you in this area of renewing your mind.

He knows that he is no longer in control, when you choose right thoughts & reject wrong thoughts.

Note Before : There is a difference between conviction of sin & condemnation.

Conviction of sin comes from the Holy Spirit & will guide you into all truth.

Condemnation will make you feel like a failure & result in you feeling guilty, this comes from the devil.

Smith-Wigglesworth stated it in this way :-

‘Condemnation leads to self loathing and is a general feeling of unworthiness. It is a religious spirit. 

Conviction is the work of the Holy Spirit, it is always specific regarding the thing that was done and 

points to the blood of Jesus. 

The difference between the two is worlds apart.’

Or Lance Wallnau said it in a slightly different way :-

‘Conviction feels different than condemnation. The latter makes you feel self-contempt. 

Conviction makes you feel like “You are called to more than this.”

This truth. For me. For you.

Our Lord doesn’t whisper shameful condemnations.

Spiritual convictions, yes. 

Personal condemnations, no.

May His voice drown out all of the other voices in our lives right now—including our own. 

May we hear Him clearly above all the noise. 

And may He help us discern between His convictions and the devil’s condemnations.  

When you do fail, it does not mean that you are a failure.

Satan again is trying to bring you down.

The sons of Korah were well aware of this & mention it in Psalm 42 :-

“Why are you cast down, O my inner self? And why should you moan over me and be disquieted within me? 

Hope in God and wait expectantly for Him, for I shall yet praise Him, my Help and my God. 

O my God, my life is cast down upon me [and I find the burden more than I can bear]; 

therefore will I [earnestly] remember You from the land of the Jordan [River] and the [summits of Mount] Hermon, 

from the little mountain Mizar. [Roaring] deep calls to [roaring] deep at the thunder of Your waterspouts; 

all Your breakers and Your rolling waves have gone over me. 

Yet the Lord will command His loving-kindness in the daytime, 

and in the night His song shall be with me, a prayer to the God of my life.”

Psalm 42:5-8 (AMPC)

What can we learn from this Psalm of the sons of Korah? How did they handle discouragement?

When they were feeling discouraged they remembered God. So can we.

They praised God. So can we.

They remember how God had helped them previously. So can we.

This gave them hope in difficult times. So it should also give us hope.

They remembered the command of the loving-kindness of God in the daytime. So can we.

God’s Song was with them during the night, like a prayer to them.

His Song can also be with us during the night like a prayer to us.

The Apostle Paul wrote the letter to the Philippians, while he was isolated in prison. Often it is called the letter or epistle of ‘joy.’

The first chapter contains these encouraging words in verses 3-6 :- 

“I thank my God in all my remembrance of you. 

In every prayer of mine I always make my entreaty and petition for you all with joy (delight). 

[I thank my God] for your fellowship (your sympathetic cooperation and contributions and partnership) 

in advancing the good news (the Gospel) from the first day [you heard it] until now. 

And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue 

until the day of Jesus Christ [right up to the time of His return], 

developing [that good work] and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you.”

Philippians 1:3-6 (AMPC)

How can in prison & yet at the same time be so full of joy?

Paul thanks God when he remembers the Philippian believers.

We should remember each other & give thanks to God for each other too.

He looks forward to the day of Jesus Christ. 

Why is Paul thankful for the Philippian believers?

Because they co-operated & partnered with him in the sharing & spreading of the Gospel.

We also partner & work together to share the Gospel.

God began a good work in them & would carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

God has begun a good work in each one of us too. He will fulfil His promises & purposes in our lives too. 

What He has said, that He will do!

“Do not be conformed to this world (this age), [fashioned after and adapted to its external, superficial customs], 

but be transformed (changed) by the [entire] renewal of your mind [by its new ideals and its new attitude], 

so that you may prove [for yourselves] what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God, 

even the thing which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His sight for you].”

Romans 12:2 (AMPC)

How can our minds be transformed to God’s way of thinking?

Our thinking needs to change & this results in new ideals & attitudes.

This will in turn enable us to form good habits, rather than continuing in bad habits. 

By developing better habits this will have a positive impact on our behaviour & eventually our lifestyle as well. 

How is it possible for us to prove what the good, acceptable, perfect will of God is for us?

Jesus has made this transformation possible by His death & resurrection.

When we trust in Him as our Lord & Saviour, He helps us to accomplish this.

I’m often reminded of an illustration that I heard about a caterpillar.

A caterpillar is earthbound & crawls about on the ground.

(I have fond recollections as a young child of reading the book

‘The very hungry caterpillar’ - but that’s beside the point!)

Until the caterpillar dies to self it cannot change. It will always remain earth-bound.

Yet its destiny is to fly in the sky.

Therefore it has to go into a chrysalis for a period of time & later break out of this mould before it becomes a butterfly. 

Then it has wings & can fly in the sky. Its destination has changed. It is no longer earth-bound. 

It is now heaven-bound or homeward bound (but not like in the song by Simon & Garfunkel!)

Someone has likened it to Jesus when He lived on earth (earth-bound for a while), 

died & was buried (like in a chrysalis), & broke & defeated the powers of death & hell through His resurrection. 

Then He ascended into heaven (like emerging transformed like a butterfly in some ways, heaven-bound).

When we become Christians we are then heaven-bound.

We are citizens of heaven. 

Heaven is our true home & one day we will go there to be with Jesus,

if we have accepted Him as our own personal Lord & Saviour while we are citizens here on earth.

Another enemy to our mind which we need to engage in constant combat or battle against is ‘fear.’

The Apostle Paul writes the following verse to his son in the faith, Timothy :-

“For God did not give us a spirit of timidity (of cowardice, of craven and cringing and fawning fear), 

but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of calm and well-balanced mind and discipline and self-control.”

2 Timothy 1:7 (AMPC)

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

2 Timothy 1:7 (NKJV)

Elisabeth Elliot once said this, ‘Fear arises when we imagine that everything depends on us.’

Ann Voskamp once defined it in this way :- 

‘Fear of missing out can drive you into a life that misses out on what matters.

Let go of the Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO) for the Joy Of Connecting Often (JOCO).

Joy of Connecting Often (JOCO) is greater than Fear of Missing Out (FOMO).’ 

A useful acronym for FEAR, we heard mentioned many times when we were at 

Kingdom Faith Training College, Roffey was this :-





How does fear adversely affect us?

Fear would try to paralyse us.

Fear would try to make us timid.

Fear would try to make us believe that the worst case scenario imaginable will happen to us personally.

Whereas, statistics have proven that only 90% of things that can go wrong will actually go wrong. 

Or we could choose an alternative, more positive acronym. The one based on FAITH :-






Or someone else described the acronym for FAITH in this way :-






What does this faith look like in practice?

The Holy Spirit gives us His power.

The Holy Spirit gives us His love.

The Holy Spirit gives us a sound or well-balanced mind. 

A mind that is calm, disciplined & self-controlled.

In summary :-

We can be convicted of sin & this is from the Holy Spirit.

We are not condemned, as this is from the devil.

We can fail at times, but we are not failures.

We can remember God’s faithfulness & loving-kindness to us.

Therefore, we can continue to have hope.

We can have joy because of Jesus.

We can give thanks to God for each other.

We continue to partner together in sharing the Gospel.

We can know Jesus as our own personal Lord & Saviour. 

We can be transformed by the renewing of our minds.

We can be assured that our destiny/our citizenship is in heaven.

With God’s help we can train our thinking.

We do not have to live in fear. We can live in faith.

The Holy Spirit enables us to live empowered, in His love & with a sound, well-balanced mind.

That means we can have minds that are calm, disciplined & self-controlled.

Again, remember think about what you’re thinking about. 

A Scripture verse for us to declare over ourselves, as we close this morning’s Bible Study :-

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

2 Timothy 1:7 (NKJV)

Our closing prayer :-

“I thank my God in all my remembrance of you. 

In every prayer of mine I always make my entreaty and petition for you all with joy (delight). 

[I thank my God] for your fellowship (your sympathetic cooperation and contributions and partnership) 

in advancing the good news (the Gospel) from the first day [you heard it] until now. 

And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you 

will continue until the day of Jesus Christ [right up to the time of His return], 

developing [that good work] and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you.”

Philippians 1:3-6 (AMPC)


Winning the Battle for Your Mind (1)

‘For the weapons of our warfare are not physical (weapons of flesh & blood), 

but they are mighty before God for the overthrow & destruction of strongholds, (inasmuch as we) refute arguments 

& theories & reasonings & every proud & lofty thing that sets itself up against the (true) knowledge of God; 

& we lead every thought captive into the obedience of Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One),’ 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 (Amp.)

Through careful strategy & cunning deceit, Satan attempts to set up ‘strongholds’ in our minds. 

A stronghold is an area in which we are held like a prisoner or captive in prison due to a certain way of thinking.

In this passage the Apostle Paul tells us that we have the weapons that we need to overcome Satan’s strongholds.

So what weapons do we readily have at our disposal, in order to overcome Satan’s ‘strongholds’?

First of all, a weapon which Paul clearly defines for us is :-

That we must know the Word of God well enough to be able to compare what is in our mind with what is in the mind of God; 

and thoughts that attempt to exalt themselves above the Word of God we are to cast down & 

bring into the captivity of Jesus Christ.

Other ‘weapons’ we can effectively make use of are :-

The Word of God received through preaching, teaching, private & public Bible Study.

Two other weapons available for us to use are praise & prayer.

A good example of both of these can be found in 2 Chronicles 20, which I recommend that you look through 

in greater detail to carefully consider & study its content later on today.

Another verse to consider relating to the impact of prayer is 2 Chronicles 7:14.

The mind is the starting block where everything begins - whether negative or positive thoughts - are formulated there.

Romans 8:5 makes it clear, ‘For those who are according to the flesh & are controlled by its unholy desires set their minds on & 

pursue those things which gratify the flesh, but those who are according to the Spirit & are controlled 

by the desires of the Spirit set their minds on & seek those things which gratify the Holy Spirit.’

So what is most dominant in your thinking & in mine?

Negative thinking? or Positive thinking?

Let me briefly give a personal example, to help us understand this in more detail :-

Several years ago, I studied & gained a Counselling Certificate in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. 

Basically how you think affects the way in which you behave. 

It can be summed up by the following pattern :-

If you think negatively, it can become a negative attitude, 

then that negative attitude becomes a negative habit & 

then that negative habit becomes a negative lifestyle! 

This results in speaking negative words over yourself & others. 

Then bad things may start to happen & it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy of doom & gloom. 

It’s like you set yourself up to fail!

Whereas, if you think positively, it can become a positive attitude, 

then that positive attitude becomes a positive habit & 

then that positive habit becomes a positive lifestyle. 

You speak positive words over yourself & others. 

Your actions &/or behaviour becomes positive as well.

Does anyone have a testimony of how their thinking has either had a positive or negative effect upon their behaviour? 

“Rejoice in the Lord always [delight, gladden yourselves in Him]; again I say, Rejoice! [Ps. 37:4.] 

Let all men know and perceive and recognise your unselfishness 

(your considerateness, your forbearing spirit). The Lord is near [He is coming soon]. 

Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, 

by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God. 

And God's peace [shall be yours, that tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ, 

and so fearing nothing from God and being content with its earthly lot of whatever sort that is, that peace] 

which transcends all understanding shall garrison and mount guard over your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. 

For the rest, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of reverence and is honourable and seemly, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely and lovable, whatever is kind and winsome and gracious, 

if there is any virtue and excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think on and weigh and take account of these things [fix your minds on them]. Practice what you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, 

and model your way of living on it, and the God of peace (of untroubled, undisturbed well-being) will be with you.”

Philippians 4:4-9 AMPC

What positive things can we focus our minds on from this passage?

To rejoice in the Lord always. Joy is not based on our circumstances.

Whereas, happiness depends on what happens.

Having an unselfish, considerate, forbearing spirit.

The fact that the Lord is coming again soon.

To delight ourselves in the Lord.

To gladden our hearts in Him.

Through prayer & petition God gives us His peace which passes all understanding & is ours through 

our personal relationship of knowing Jesus Christ as Lord & Saviour.

(That peace is like a garrison or as secure as the Beefeater guards posted as sentries at Buckingham Palace, 

protecting the King of England).

Jesus is the Prince of Peace.

What negative things are mentioned in this passage?


Being anxious

How can they be resolved/overcome?

Through prayer & petition, resulting in peace.

Peace or ‘Shalom’ meaning total well-being, wholeness, peace that passes all understanding.

A thought check (based on Philippians 4:8).

Is what I’m thinking about :-






Of good report?



If no, STOP & think about something else.

Train your thoughts.

A few examples of Scriptures you can choose to to meditate on are as follows :-

Romans 8:1-8

Romans 12:1-2

Philippians 4:8

2 Corinthians 10:1-5

Colossians 3:1-3.

What is achieved by focusing on Scripture?

We are not condemned.

We are set free from the law of sin & death.

When our minds are controlled by the Holy Spirit, we know true life & peace (total well-being, wholeness).

We are not conformed to the patterns of this world.

We are transformed by the renewing of our minds.

We can focus on things that are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous & praiseworthy.

We can use the weapons we have have been given by God to demolish strongholds.

We can set our minds on things above.

We have the mind of Christ.

Someone once phrased it in this way :- 

‘Fill your mind with God’s Word & you won’t have room for Satan’s lies!’ 

May the voice of the Lord drown out 

all of the other voices in our lives right now—including our own. 

May we hear Him clearly above all the noise. 

And may He help us discern between His convictions and the devil’s condemnations.  

Jesus said, “If you abide in My Word (hold fast to My teachings & live in accordance with them), you are truly My disciples. 

And you will know the Truth, & the Truth will set you free,” John 8:31-32.

Jesus Himself is The Way, The Truth, & The Life (John 14:6, tells us this fact).

‘For no temptation (no trial regarded as enticing to sin, no matter how it comes or where it leads) has overtaken you & 

laid hold on you that is not common to man (that is, no temptation or trial has come to you that is beyond human resistance & that is not adjusted & adapted & belonging to the human experience, & such a man can bear). 

But God is faithful (to His Word & to His compassionate nature), & He (can be trusted) not to let you be tempted & tried 

& assayed beyond your ability & strength of resistance & power to endure, 

but with the temptation He will (always) also provide the way out (the means of escape to a landing place), 

that you may be capable & strong & powerful to bear up under it patiently,’ 

1 Corinthians 10:13.

So what is God doing throughout this process?

God doesn’t abandon us & leave us helpless. God is faithful to us & is there with us.

He will not allow us to be tempted beyond what we can bear, but with every temptation He will also provide the way out 

&/or the means of escape.

God is building up our resilience levels & prompting us to listen to the guidance of the Holy Spirit who will lead us into all truth.

In summary :-

So remember to think about what you are thinking about!

Fill your minds with Scripture.

Fill your mouths with Scripture & declare those words over yourself & others.

This will take time, as positive thinking & habits don’t just happen overnight!

Be encouraged & learn Scriptures to build yourselves & others up.

A closing Scripture to encourage our hearts & minds :-

“THEREFORE, SINCE we are justified (acquitted, declared righteous, and given a right standing with God) through faith, 

let us [grasp the fact that we] have [the peace of reconciliation to hold and to enjoy] peace with God 

through our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One). 

Through Him also we have [our] access (entrance, introduction) by faith into this grace (state of God's favour) 

in which we [firmly and safely] stand. And let us rejoice and exult in our hope of experiencing and enjoying the glory of God. 

Moreover [let us also be full of joy now!] let us exult and triumph in our troubles and rejoice in our sufferings, 

knowing that pressure and affliction and hardship produce patient and unswerving endurance. 

And endurance (fortitude) develops maturity of character (approved faith and tried integrity). 

And character [of this sort] produces [the habit of] joyful and confident hope of eternal salvation. 

Such hope never disappoints or deludes or shames us, for God's love has been poured out 

in our hearts through the Holy Spirit Who has been given to us.”

Romans 5:1-5 AMPC


How to win spiritual battles - Help me with my thoughts!!

One of the ways you can live victoriously is by understanding the power of God’s Word to transform your mind and the way you live. In this study, we'll help you find answers in scripture to common questions about spiritual warfare, the battle for your mind, and how to win these battles.

What does the Bible say about the mind?

In the Gospels of Matthew and Mark, Jesus tells opponents that evil thoughts come from the heart, meaning the deepest part of the mind. Their problem was that their thinking was controlled by the “god of this world,” because they did not believe the gospel:

…the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

(2 Corinthians 4:4)

The “god of this world” is Satan, of course.

But as Christians, we have been given a new nature along with the gift of the Holy Spirit, who helps us to assert that new nature as we depend on his power.

So there’s hope!! There’s a solution to a mind whose thoughts are hostile to God, whose thoughts are like everyone else’s thoughts in the “world” with the society’s morals and attitudes. Faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ reconciles us to God, and equips us to overcome ungodly thoughts and beliefs.

You don’t have to stay trapped by thoughts that drag you down in despair, without hope in this world. When you believe the gospel and are set apart to God, the Holy Spirit dwells in you to give you power to change.

The mind can be transformed by renewing the way we think. Romans 12:2 lets us know that our mind can be transformed to live in a deep relationship with God.

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.

(Romans 12:2)

But I’ve believed the Gospel? Why do I still think the way I do? I’m so frustrated!

The problem is that now there’s a struggle for your mind, called spiritual warfare. It is a battle in which the enemy knows that if he can influence your mind, he can affect your actions. In this spiritual warfare, he seeks to get your focus off of God’s truth so he can sidetrack and destroy your life. Satan wants you to think thoughts contrary to God’s Word.

So how do I protect my mind in spiritual warfare?

You can protect your mind from spiritual warfare when you understand that the battle will come in personal attacks, trust that you have protection from God with the “spiritual armour” listed in Ephesians 6, and which is the focus of our study today.

The primary way Satan attacks us personally is through our mind, our thoughts:

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.

(2 Corinthians 10:3-5)

How can I protect my mind?

To help us protect our mind in spiritual warfare, God has given us His spiritual armour. Ephesians 6 describes the components of the armour God has given us to stand strong in spiritual battles.

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might.

Put on the full armour of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.

Therefore, take up the full armour of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm.

Stand firm therefore, having girded your loins with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness,

and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

in addition to all, taking up the shield of faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.

And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

So, as we dive into our study, let's list quickly the 6 pieces that go together to make the armour of God

The Full Armor of God

Loins girded with truth

Breastplate of righteousness

Feet covered with the shoes of the gospel of peace

Shield of faith

Helmet of salvation

Sword of the Spirit (The Word of God)

As we studied in our group, I asked people to throw out their questions and comments.

You may be asking, “What does it mean to stand firm in spiritual warfare?” or “What are loins girded with truth? I know I like beef sirloin, but I've never seen them on the menu!”

As we shared different ways we'd learned of applying the truths in Ephesians 6 we were very encouraged.

Memorising verses of the Bible to recall when we're under attack was one way.

With helmet of salvation in mind, we talked about the importance of confessing our salvation, including the promise of salvation in the Bible. Proclaiming these truths aloud has particular power.

Claiming the peace that only the Lord can give was also mentioned. This is particularly effective in the face of anxiety.

We agreed that the greatest weapon that is used against us is that of discouragement. With that in mind, we were all really grateful for having been able to meet and be encouraged, just as we pray you find the same encouragement in reading these words.

Chris Herman


This is a devotional as we engage in worshipping 

the risen Lord and aligning ourselves to His will and kingdom purposes 


PSALM 91 : 1-4 ( Read the whole psalm )

The author ( unknown- some scholars think it's Moses ) writes this psalm as a glowing testimony to the security of those who trust in God. It is like the “9-1-1” you can go to when faced with storms of life !

Dangers of life are real. The world can be a threatening ,dangerous place. The psalmist warns about things like deadly traps of the enemy, pestilence and plagues ( v6 ).Even poisonous snakes and lions are mentioned ( v13)  ..perhaps symbolic references to satanic power. 

Yet in this psalm we read of God's promises for you - the believer in Jesus Christ. You can take comfort in God's promises because of what Jesus accomplished on the cross and by His resurrection.

Dangers are real. But God's protection is real. His love for you is too great to leave you on your own

FOCUS VERSES 1-4 : the phrase ‘he that dwells’ key to understanding God's promises. It implies action, becoming intentional to dwelling with God.

What does it mean ‘to dwell’ ? To make one’s home , to abide or live, to take up permanent residence. The psalmist reminds us to stay in His presence ( like we are today in worship ). We are to remain in the relationship where Jesus lives in us by Holy Spirit and we live in Him.

In doing so, you are trusting unreservedly in the great love of God and His power to give you everything you need to do His will and to glorify His name. You are having fellowship and communion with Him ,depending on Him to live an obedient life as you serve Him

> Question to ponder : do you live in God's presence daily or do you visit only on Sundays for about an hour or so ? 

The promise of protection and security therefore is for the Christian who dwells in the ‘shelter of the Most High’

It is for the one who can confess / declare ( loudly ) that the Lord is the hope that holds you, your refuge and your fortress.

 It is personal : ‘My refuge’ - God gives me shelter, comfort in trouble as I seek to abide in Him.

                       ‘My fortress’ - God is my fortified  place of protection for exceptional security where no fear has access to. Fear or trouble cannot come into the fortress 

This is the Lord (as in verse 2) who is the covenant -making ,faithful God.   

Observe the names of God used here in verses 1-2 :

the ‘Most High’ - describes His supreme authority and sovereignty 

the ‘Almighty’ - emphasises His position and unlimited, absolute power and might

the ‘LORD’ ( Yahweh )- emphasises God as eternal, unique , unchangeable and always present 

my God - implies your personal recognition of Him as real and true, you are in relationship with   Him

These are all great encouragement for you as you stay dwelling in and trust God. He is more than capable of providing sufficient shelter for His people who seek refuge in Him.

Verses 3-4 give vivid imagery of the protection our God provides. 

“He will rescue you from every hidden trap of the enemy, and he will protect you from false accusation and any deadly curse.

His massive arms are wrapped around you, protecting you. You can run under His covering of majesty and hide. His arms of faithfulness are a shield keeping you from harm.”( TPT )

Another version, the NLT renders verse 4 thus : “He will cover you with His feathers . He will shelter you with His wings .His faithful promises are your armour and protection.”

What a description ! Our God is tender like a mother bird but is also strong and unyielding as battle armour . 

And the Christian who abides in the shelter of God will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.

Picture yourself sitting close to a tree to benefit from its shade when the sun is scorching hot . So we have to position ourselves near to God if we desire His comfort, protection and deliverance 

It does not mean bad things will not happen.After all we live in a broken world.Yet like the psalmist here we can place out trust in God. 

We can draw nearer to God. We can encounter Him in His holiness through worship and prayer and see His will be done in and through our lives.

       ———-Amen ———-




Today we are studying some verses that are related to the theme of ‘The Battle For Your Mind’

We are in a spiritual battle and we have to counter the enemy's attack / lies with truth from God's Word.

Pain and struggles in life are real. We can learn to be honest with God about our feelings ( emotions ).Yet there is the hope we can embrace and declare over the battles we encounter.

The aim today is that we will all be reminded and encouraged to confess and declare verses from the God's Word as the spiritual battle continues. 

Read Lamentations 3 :19-25 

The verses 22-24 are ‘like an island of hope in an ocean of despair’. They are in the centre of the five chapters of the book.The book is considered a poem of lament

In this book the writer (?Jeremiah ) describes one of the darkest periods in all ancient Biblical history.The  Babylonians ( in 586 B.C.) have come and taken over the city of Jerusalem. The temple of God's people is burned, homes are destroyed. Thousands of people living in the city are taken into exile to Babylon. The time 586 BC may not mean much to us , but to the Jews it was like their ‘September 11th’

The writer laments or mourns these atrocities.The book is written out of hard circumstances and hearts heavy with pain

Verses 19-21 :show us how we can process our emotions and thoughts in biblical ways.

How is the writer (or poet ) expressing how he is thinking / feeling ? He is remembering (or asking the Lord to remember) his affliction and wanderings 

 He uses words like - affliction : this can mean misery, sickness, injustice or trouble 

                               - wanderings : this could refer to their homelessness.It could mean being        restless. So it's about feeling lost 

Have you ever felt lost where you have no idea what to do with your life, where it's headed or where you belong ?

Observe the imagery shown by the use of the words ‘bitterness (or in some versions 

‘wormwood’ ) and gall’. 

Wormwood was an unpleasant substance which could make you sick.Gall is a bitter or even poisonous substance 

So this is like saying the situation you have been handed is too hard for you to swallow…

It's too bitter…beyond  words !! 

When we have those feelings, what is our typical response /natural instinct ? 

Verse 20 - captures the response perfectly. The writer ‘continually remembers these negative things and his soul is bowed down.’ He is stuck in a negative thought pattern 

It is interesting what the mind remembers : so many  of the negative thoughts ( intrusive thoughts )we have and those negative feelings that we repetitively think about ( ruminating )

How do you deal with these negative thoughts which can lead to strong emotions ?

Verses 21-24 : The writer / poet intentionally takes actions against these unhealthy thought patterns.

V21- he begins to ‘call to mind’ what is true. Hope springs up  as he recalls deliberately the times when things worked out  because of the faithfulness of God in the past. This is what we need to do too

Recall hope , love , mercy faithfulness. In the midst of hardship we have an example here of the things to think about

Vv 22-24 :he confesses / declares truth : (NLT) “The faithful love of the Lord never ends ! His mercies never cease.Great is His faithfulness ; His mercies begin afresh each morning. I say to myself, ‘The Lord is my inheritance ( share ); therefore I hope in Him !”

The steadfast love of the Lord never left. It has always been there even in the worst of times.

The writer interjects eternal Truth into his temporary circumstances 

David recalled past victories of the Lord as one of the ways to overcome / unlearn fear.

Read 1 Samuel 17: 33-37 - declare verse 37 

Response : 

Dealing with our emotions in Biblical ways is not easy. Yet it is so good 

Remind yourself of how God has walked with you in very tough times in the past. And you can trust Him to be faithful again 

Loudly declare (favourite ) Bible  verses to help refocus your anxious, negative thoughts. So you begin to think new thoughts instead of worrying thoughts 

Make them personal, e.g. Verses 24 and 25, Isaiah 26:3-4 ( read ) - you can say, ‘God I will remain in perfect peace because my mind is (my thoughts are ) fixed on You. I will trust in You  always for the Lord God is my eternal Rock’

Don't let lies steal your peace .“When we set our minds on the TRUTHS of God, we have direct and immediate access to the PEACE of God” ( Lysa Terkeurst )




We are continuing our study on the theme ‘The Battle For Your Mind’

In February, we studied the topic of ‘Fear’.

We studied the familiar narrative of David and Goliath from 1 Samuel 17. We considered how fear works and how it can be conquered or defeated ( refer to ‘Bible Study’ on website

Fear intimidates - it can have a frightening or threatening effect 

Fear debilitates -it hinders and make you weak

Fear breeds squabbling - argue over something in anger

  (like a stressful environment—>perceived threat—>frustration—>lead to verbal / physical aggression)

Fear requires conquering ( taking control of )

Definition: what dose it mean to be afraid ? It can be defined as a distressing emotion aroused by impending threat or danger, pain, ,etc. This threat can be imagined or real. It's one of the most paralysing of all human emotions. It can rob us of reason and faith 

Read 2 Timothy 1:7

As Paul faces imminent death in a Roman dungeon , he writes this letter to Timothy. He is encouraging Timothy to carry on the ministry and faithfully guard the gospel even though there is persecution and suffering 

Why ?

 ‘For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind’(NKJV)

1-What does this verse say ? What are the facts / truths Paul states here as he writes to Timothy 

      ( look up other versions like AMP or NIV )

The Spirit of God has given us a spirit of power, love and sound mind. God has not given us a spirit of fear

2- What does this mean ? What are some lessons we can draw out of this verse ?

It seems that Timothy lacked confidence. And Paul encourages him by this powerful verse so that Timothy can become bold in what God has called him to do. If we are afraid we cannot fulfill God’s plans.

Paul urges Timothy and other believers to embrace God's gift of limitless power, God's gift of love and the gift of a sound mind.


Read 1 John 4:4- “the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world…’ Paul is reminding Timothy that the Spirit of God lives in him so he need not fear.

So the picture here is of boldness - a humble confidence in God ( not ourselves).It is a picture of God giving power to overcome fear ,to consistently love in a world of uncertainty, and to demonstrate self - control, clarity of thought ,when you have no control over the things around you.

God's intention for His people is that we live in confidence and trust and not be paralysed by fear. Fear keeps us from living the life that God has for us

God's power : what does this look like ? It is not just physical strength but a divine power to face difficult times and grow spiritually . In hard times you have God’s strength /power so that you don't retreat in fear

God’s love : this is central to who God is. The Spirit of God produces love through us which changes lives. ‘It's Christ living His life through the believer’? His love enables us to live in His freedom 

God gives self -control or a sound mind : The Spirit empowers believers in Christ with clarity and sound judgment / sensible behaviour 

3 - What does this verse mean to me now? How can I apply it ?

You can ask yourself ‘what will rule your life and dictate actions ?’ Will it be fear or boldness in God's Word ?

God has so much ‘more’ for you as you serve him.Don’t be satisfied living a safe, timid life.

Use these gifts God has given you

Ask God to give you boldness where you need to be bold. 

Dr Caroline Leaf : “Science is finally catching up with the Bible, showing us the proof of …2 Timothy 1:7. For now, rest in the assurance that what God has empowered you to do with your mind is more powerful and effective than any medication, threat, sickness or neurological challenge. The Scripture of 2 Timothy 1:7 is clear on this”

Thank God that He has equipped you ,as the Spirit lives in you, with a spirit of power, love and self- control. 

Thank Him that your thoughts, actions and relationships are guided by this empowerment even in the face of fear and difficulties 

Thank Him that you can put your confidence in Him who is ever present with you 




This is a devotional to encourage our hearts as we “Meet the Lord in Prayer and Worship” 


‘For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and spirit, of joints and marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.’

How important is the Word of God to you ? Does it guide your decisions and influence your words, actions and lifestyle into holy living ?

Today we are reminded just how vital God's Word is to our well- being and spiritual growth

This verse expresses in great detail the power of God's Word. It's alive, active, sharp. Right now we are reading this…this is not a dead word.

It is ‘living and active’ - Scripture penetrates to our very core and sifts through ‘the thoughts and intentions of the heart.’The Word of God actually DOES things..accomplishes things for God's glory as we experience God's gift of life

We need God's Word to show us our hearts -  what's wrong spiritually . If we think we can diagnose our spiritual condition on our own, we are fooling ourselves

Often we might try to put up defences or try to justify some ungodly action / behaviour. Sometimes we may even make excuses. God's Word can cut straight through those defences, justifications, excuses or even ignorance to expose what we cannot see.

It can be uncomfortable when the light of God's Word shines in the darkest places of hearts. Yet with the help of Holy Spirit we can face our flaws and failures now rather than when we stand before God to answer for our choices and actions

The purpose of God's Word is to expose our weaknesses so that we acknowledge them.In this way we can be made strong through His truth and promises to us as we saturate ourselves with God's truths and promises.

The beauty and power of Scripture is that it does not only show us our sin.It also enables us to deal with it - cut it away- and leave it behind as you move forward with Jesus

The intention of this sharp “two- edged sword” is not to harm you or punish you. Rather it is to cleans and restore ,to bring healing of wounds. It is for your good and God's glory

Psalm 119:45 - the psalmist says, ‘I will walk with you in complete freedom, for I seek to follow your every command’ ( TPT )

When you follow the example of the psalmist here, you will walk in true freedom wherever you go

      Response :

Read , meditate and soak in His words daily. Let God's Word impact your heart and bring change and growth 

Confess and declare living truths (from the Bible ) as you resist the enemy like Jesus did and live in His victory 

When worshipping, use Scriptures to declare His worth and to keep your focus on Jesus

     “God’s Word represents both the incarnate Word ( Jesus ) and the inspired Word ( the Bible ).      Let that be the utmost authority for your life.” 

     (Kelley Brown -Bible teacher )


THURSDAY 29TH FEBRUARY 2024 Led by Eve Haddow

FREE GIFTs  …Alex Haircut/Eve  Ralph finding free gifts for Grannies attic in the recycling/ Jew and a Scot free gifts are greatly received


Transformation/Salvation & Forgiveness  2 Cor 5 v 17

Eternal Life    Romans 6 v 23

Community & Fellowship    1 John 1 v 7

Peace & Comfort   John 14 v 27

Access to God   Ephesians 3 v 12

Holy Spirit giving purpose and direction   Romans 5 v 5

Transformation Salvation and Forgiveness                      Jesus transforms our hearts and minds. We aim become more like Him, growing in love, kindness, and compassion. 2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

Eternal Life: Appears 41 times in the NT The ultimate benefit is eternal life with God. Following Jesus leads us to an everlasting relationship with Him.

Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. OT says work for an Everlasting life appears 48 times but no guarantee Yom Kippur Jews strive for everlasting life by living purposefully, practicing kindness, and maintaining a strong connection to their faith and community.

Community and Fellowship: Being part of the body of Christ, we experience community and fellowship with other believers. We are not alone in our faith journey.  1 John 1:7This verse highlights the importance of fellowship among believers in Christ. When we walk in the light, we are able to have true fellowship with one another as we are all connected through our faith in Jesus Christ. This fellowship is also made possible through the cleansing power of Jesus’ blood, which washes away our sins and brings us together in unity and love. 

Peace and Comfort: Following Jesus grants us inner peace and comfort. Even in challenging circumstances, we can find solace knowing that He is with us. ……Peace I leave you, my Peace I give to you …..let your hearts not be troubled John 14:27

Access to God: Through Jesus, we have direct access to God. We can approach Him boldly in prayer and experience His love and guidance.

In whom we have boldness and access with confidence through our faith in him. Ephesians 3:12 … Him and thru Faith in Him we may approach God ….. the apostle Paul reminds us of the incredible gift of salvation that comes from God’s grace. This verse emphasizes that our salvation is not something we can earn through our own efforts or good works. It is a gift freely given by God to those who place their faith in Him.

Holy Spirit giving Purpose and Direction: Jesus gives our lives purpose and direction. We discover our identity and calling as we follow Him. Hope and Joy: Our hope rests in Jesus. His resurrection assures us of victory over death, and His presence fills us with joy.

Romans 5:5 …And Hope does not disappoint us because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the HOLY SPIRT

Time of Prayer and/or Praise in small groups

How do we put into practice part of being a Christian Family?

What do we do/envisage with the gift Eternal Life?

How do we use the ability to communicate with our father?

How do we manifest that in our daily lives?


PSALM 37 - Part 2

Last week we looked at Psalm 37:1-6, and this week we will look at Psalm 37:7-11

Psalm 37:7-11
These verses follow on from the first 6 that we looked at last week and which we summarized as follows:
fret or be envious

trust, do good, dwell, enjoy, take delight in the Lord, commit your way to the Lord.

In the following verses we find more “do’s and don’ts”.

After being told to commit our way to the Lord and trust in Him in V.5 and by doing so God, our Vindicator, will clear us of everything we have been accused of falsely, what does David tell us to do next?

V.7 – Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him.

This Hebrew word for “be still” here means “do not make a noise” as well as “do not move”. The idea is that we will not speak to vindicate ourselves; we will trust in God us clear us of all blame or suspicion.

What does “wait patiently” actually mean?
Patience is the capacity to tollerate challenges or delays without getting upset.
We have all heard that patience is a virtue, and I’m sure we have all asked God for patience at some point in our Christian lives: “Dear Lord, please give me patience and give it to me NOW!”

In the same verse (V.7) we are told yet again not to fret. This time what are we not to fret over?

When others have success in carrying out their wicked schemes. This is the second time we are exhorted not to get all hot and bothered when the wicked seem to prosper.

Why is this?
The answer is in v.8. David wisely advised the man or woman of God to give up 
angerwrath, and fretting. This is STRONG language. What are the differences between these three terms?

Anger: a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility. Wrath: great anger which expresses itself in a desire to punish someone. In the Roman Catholic church, wrath is classed as one of the seven deadly sins.

We often read about the wrath of God. What do we understand about God’s wrath?
The wrath of God is, according to John Stott, “His steady, unrelenting, unremitting, uncompromising antagonism to evil in all its forms and manifestations.”

Then for the third time in 8 verses we are told not to fret (get all hot and bothered), According to David, what does fretting lead to?

Strong language!

Anger, wrath and fretting accomplish nothing except harm. They are the opposite of delighting oneself in the LORD and patiently waiting upon Him. In fact, when we get angry with someone it usually leads to trouble.

Spurgeon said this: “Cease from anger: “Especially anger against the arrangements of Providence, and jealousies of the temporary pleasures of those who are so soon to be banished from all comfort. Anger anywhere is madness, here it is aggravated insanity.”

V.9 tells us that the evil will be destroyed.
Can you define what evil is?
Dictionary definition: evil involves human destructiveness, people who take pleasure in intentionally hurting others and behaving in ways that harm, abuse, demean, dehumanize, or destroy the innocent.
Can anyone here say they have NEVER done an EVIL act towards someone else based on this definition? A rhetorical question.

We all know the motivation in our hearts behind what we do or say at times.
Does that make us evil people?
John Piper says this: “The ”Do what you want – just don’t hurt anyone else” mantra is alive and well in our society. But to find your superior satisfaction anywhere else but in God is the essence of evil....... The real evil if you hurt somebody is that they’re in the image of God....... If you taste from God’s never ending fountain of all-satisfying water and you say “I don’t like it, I’m going to dig a well”, then you are an evil person.....Evil is tasting God and preferring something else.”

Jeremiah 2:12-13 (NKJV)
“Be astonished, O heavens, at this; and be horribly afraid; Be very desolate,” says the Lord,“For my people have committed two evils: They have forsaken me, the fountain of living waters, and hewn (dug out) themselves cisterns - broken cisterns that can hold no water.”

What happens to those who hope in the Lord?
Those who hope in the Lord will inherit the land.
Once again David is encouraging his fellow Israelites to stay put and to hope in the Lord for their reward – inheriting the land.
V.10 reiterates what was said in V.9:
The evildoers have their day of prosperity, but it is short-lived. Soon the wicked who are often the famous and praised in this world will be of no notice or standing at all.

David this time talks about God caring for and rewarding the meek.

What does the word meek mean?
Late twentieth-century Western culture does not hold meekness to be a virtue, in contrast to the ancient Near East and the Greco- Roman world, which placed a high premium on it. This dramatic shift in values is problematic for contemporary biblical translation. Most modern versions replace the noun "meekness" by "gentleness" or "humility.”
Meekness is therefore an active and deliberate acceptance of undesirable circumstances that are wisely seen by the individual as only part of a larger picture. It is not a resignation to fate or a passive and reluctant submission to events. Meekness does not identify the weak but more precisely the strong, who may have

been placed in a position of weakness, but where they persevere without giving up.

Where do we read this concept in the New Testament?

Jesus quoted this line in the Sermon on the Mount, in the third beatitude (Matthew 5:5).
Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.

Isaiah 66:2 says this:

Has not my hand made all these things, and so they came into being?” declares the Lord. “These are the ones I look on with favour: those who are humble and contrite in spirit, and who tremble at my word.”

The Message translation of verses 7-11 of Psalm 37 reads:

7. Quiet down before God, be prayerful before him. Don't bother with those who climb the ladder, who elbow their way to the top. 8. Bridle your anger, trash your wrath, cool your pipes - it only makes things worse. 9. Before long the crooks will be bankrupt; God-investors will soon own the store. 10. Before you know it, the wicked will have had it; you'll stare at his once famous place and – nothing! 11. Down-to-earth people will move in and take over, relishing a huge bonanza.

Let’s close by reading another four verses from Psalm 37 which illustrate the advantages of delighting in the Lord, and as we meditate on them may the simple truths they communicate become our own to live by, so that in whatever situation we may find ourselves, we can delight in the Lord and inherit the land He has prepared for each one of us. :

V.23 The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in Him; V.24 though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand.
V.25 I was young, and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread.

V.26 They are always generous and lend freely; their children will be a blessing.


PSALM 37 - Part 1 Background to Psalm 37

David wrote Psalm 37 for Jewish settlers who had moved into new land during David’s expansion of the kingdom of Israel.
However, the children of Israel had never completely driven out the Canaanites who were living there before, and as a result, these Canaanites had such an influence on the Israeli people that they sinned in an even worse way than the Canaanites had done.

As a result of this, a righteous man would be tempted to abandon the land God had called him to. David himself did that temporarily when he fled from Saul to the king of the Philistines, and that period was not a good one for either him or his men. (1 Samuel 27)

Can you think of anyone else who had left the land of Israel to try to improve their situation, only to find it got worse?
Naomi, her husband and her two sons come to mind.

So, in the midst of the temptation for the Jewish settlers to leave the land, David writes Psalm 37 to encourage his fellow Israelites to stay put and do good.

Let’s read V.1-6

The psalm starts off with two “do nots” : “Do not fret......or be envious.....”
What does the word “fret” mean?
The Hebrew word for fret here is “charah”, which means to grow warm, blaze up, be angry or be incensed.

Just like when something happens to make us upset and our heart starts pounding and we go all hot. That is part of “charah”.

What does “envious” mean?
Envy means a discontented longing for someone else’s advantages.

So who are we not to fret about? Those who are evil.

And who are we not to be envious of? Those who do wrong.

But as good, born again Christians, surely we would never fret over evil people or be envious of those who did wrong, would we?

Have you ever thought:
“Why do things go right for them and not for me?” “Why don’t they get what they deserve?”

and the classic “It’s not fair!”

“Why did he get promoted when I have far better qualifications?” “How come my work colleagues always get away with only doing half their job and I have to finish off THEIR work?

and so on!
What is David actually telling us here?

The F.B.Meyer Commentary summarizes this, noting that David is “grappling with the problem of the inequality of human life and the apparent failure of God to reward His servants and punish His enemies as they deserve.”

We can ALL relate to that, It is a core part of human nature to look around and compare our lives to those of other people, which is a wide and easy path to both envy and self-righteousness, and it leads us to being anxious, instead of fixing our eyes on God.

What does Psalm 37 tell us to do instead? V.3 TRUST in the Lord and DO GOOD.

Why does TRUST come first?
Because trust makes us feel secure. Doing good is a consequence of trusting.
C.H.Spurgeon said:
““Faith cures fretting.” Sight is cross-eyed and views things only as they seem, hence her envy; faith has clearer optics to behold things as they really are, hence her peace.
“And do good”. True faith is actively obedient. Doing good is a fine remedy for fretting. There is a joy in holy activity which drives away the rust of discontent.””

DWELL in the land and ENJOY safe pasture. What does “dwell” mean?
To live in or at a specified place.
To remain for a time.

What is David’s message here?

ENJOY safe pasture.
Enjoy has two meanings:
a) take delight or pleasure in and activity or occasion.

eg. I enjoy watching good films. b) possess and benefit from.

Here David is saying that if we stay where God has placed us, (dwell in the land) we can benefit from God’s promise to provide for us and take care of us (enjoy safe pasture).

V.4 TAKE DELIGHT in the Lord.
What does to take delight mean?
To be very happy because of something To be gratified by
To very much enjoy

Synonyms: admire, adore, appreciate, cherish, indulge in, relish, revel in, savour.

These are all very LAVISH terms.
David is telling us to REVEL IN the Lord. What is the result?
He will give you the desires of your heart.

So does this mean that if I consciously enjoy the Lord, He’ll respond by giving me everything I want?


Does it mean that as I intentionally enjoy the Lord – His Word, His fellowship etc. - then He will actually change my desires to the point where my desires are also His desires, and He’ll be pleased to grant them?

V.5 COMMIT your way to the Lord.
How do we do that?
Literally this means “Roll your path upon the Lord”. Our life is like a path that we walk on every day. For the person who feels stuck in a bad situation, like David’s audience was, that person is still on a path, but that path can be heavy or burdensome. That’s why we’re told to roll that path upon the Lord – to commit it to Him – to place it in His hands and no longer carry that burden. As we do this and “trust in Him... He will do this:”

V.6 He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun.

What does “vindication” mean?
The action of clearing someone of blame or suspicion.
Proof that someone or something is right, reasonable or justified.

Spurgeon says this: “The Lord will clear the slandered. If we look to His honour, He will see to ours”.


fret or be envious.

trust, do good, dwell, enjoy, take delight in the Lord, commit your way to the Lord.



Today is our Worship Experience. 

Here is a devotional to encourage our hearts as we worship of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. 

Hebrews 12:28-29 ( NKJV )  -“Therefore since we are receiving a Kingdom which cannot be shaken, 

let us have grace by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. 

For our God is a consuming fire”



Sometimes in life when something is taken from us, it can leave us feeling shaken. 

Sometimes we invest in things that don’t last, and when we lose it, we experience confusion with the unexpected loss.

It is so easy to allow our identity to become connected to earthly things. 

Therefore we need reminders of eternal truths so we can hold on to these truths instead.

In these verses, the writer of Hebrews writes to encourage the persecuted Christians then. 

Maybe they wondered whether Jesus was really worth all the pain they were suffering for the Kingdom. 

Maybe they thought about going back to their old ways, bowing to religious sacrifices and rituals 

Today the writer encourages us to pursue, ‘go after, follow’,God's unshakable Kingdom.

The Lord reminds us that a greater Kingdom exists so that we don't over-focus on building our own 

or returning to old ways of thinking.

There is a need for us to realign to eternal values so we don't feel quite so shaken when things get taken. 

You might lose a job opportunity, affection in a relationship or even material possessions. 

In our humanity, we might cry, grieve and become anxious, fretful with these earthly setbacks. 

Yet God's Word, His love ,His Son and His Holy Spirit are ours forever if we trust Jesus as Lord !

God's eternal Kingdom is secure.The Scripture says “ it cannot be shaken.” It is His gift to us.

The natural response to this gift is to express gratitude and praise to our eternal King. 

Worship the all-powerful One with reverence and godly fear. 

This is a fear that draws us to Him. It is not repulsive or intimidating. 

It is a godly fear that draws us to love what He loves, and hate what He hates. It shapes our intentions, thoughts, 

words and actions.

In the end, this unshakable Kingdom we are receiving will remain. 

So let's embrace this perspective as we live for the glory of Jesus. It is all about Jesus.

Response : 

What has been shaking your world lately? 

How can you cling to God's unshakeable Kingdom in the midst of negative circumstances?

-Focus our minds and hearts on the hope of our returning King who rules triumphantly. 

-Keep an eternal perspective so you are focused on what matters most.

-Worship Him with reverence and holy fear even in your lifestyle as you live to glorify the King of Kings. 




We are continuing the study series “The Battle For Your Mind”. 

The topic we are studying today is Fear


What is Fear / or what does it mean to be afraid ? It can be defined as a distressing emotion aroused by impending threat or danger, pain, etc.This threat can be imagined or real.

It's one of the most paralysing of all human emotions .It can rob us of reason and faith

Let's consider how fear works and by what means it can be defeated. We are studying verses from 1 Samuel 17 - the very famous battle between two individuals namely David and Goliath. Some truths about irrational Fear : it can be intimidating.It can be debilitating.It breeds squabbling.It requires conquering 

1 Samuel 17: 20 -50

>>FEAR IS INTIMIDATING ( a frightening or threatening effect ) - Goliath, a champion from the Philistine camp is outstandingly tall ( like 9 feet !) . He shouts to the Israelite camp to choose a man to fight him.( vv8-9 )

Verses 11 / 23-24 :How did the the Israelites respond to this challenge? Dismayed and terrified or greatly afraid.

> From an article in the magazine ‘Psychology Today’: ‘people who are tall, loud or outgoing- type A personalities- often bring intimidation with them.This causes others to be afraid.’

How does  David react to Goliath’s challenge ? David does not see  a giant.He sees a big ,easy target that he cannot miss. 

“WHAT we see is often a matter of HOW we see”.Saul and the Israelites are afraid of this big giant Goliath.David is not intimidated; his confidence is in God. We have two different responses 

>>FEAR IS DEBILITATING ( hinders and makes you weak )

V16 ( read )  Goliath comes out to defy Israel.Goliath repeats the challenge :‘give me a man to fight, come on let’s fight.!.what are you waiting for you cowards..?’

How many times does Goliath do this ? Forty days , morning and evening = 80 times !  

> if you heard this kind of defiance, would that demoralise you or make you despairing?

This is so much like the tactics of the enemy of our souls..the devil. Repeatedly the devil tries to intimidate. He comes closer, trying to take advantage if we don't resist him

This is how fear works :as it increases, you have irrational thinking and it keeps you awake at night. You might be obsessed with ‘what if’ thoughts. For example ‘what if this relationship does not work , what if this disease gets worse ..?’

V24- what did the men of Israel do when they saw this intimidating giant Goliath ? They fled. This is like the ‘flight’ reaction in the “flight or fight” response to great fear. They were dreadfully afraid , overcome or crippled with fear ( freaked out ! )

>>FEAR BREEDS SQUABBLING (arguing over something in anger )

When someone is afraid they do something with their fear. David sees the issues clearly as he speaks to the men about Goliath 

V28 -Eliab is in the army and the oldest brother of David.He was the first brother in the family to be rejected as king by Samuel. Eliab’s anger is aroused against David.

Observe the questions he asks David. 

What do you think is Eliab ‘s motive ?He is trying to put David down by saying in effect , “I am in the army, not you.All you do is keep sheep. Who's is taking care of those sheep ?”

Eliab lashes out at David in fear. Fear can turn into anger in a stressful situation. Combined with a perceived threat ,one can become frustrated and often one can lash out.

Vv29-30 How does David respond ? He turns away from his brother .He was not there to fight his brother. The enemy would love that.

>For us as God's children, we don't fight the brother / sister. We engage in warfare with the enemy of our souls. David  knew who to fight - the enemy. David was there to fight the beast called Goliath 

>>FEAR REQUIRES CONQUERING (overcoming or take control of )

Vv 45-47 : David is ready -with sling and 5 stones -to face the giant in the name of the Lord Almighty.

You can conquer fear ( overcome / unlearn fear ) by :

     >V33- 37 : remembering past victories. You conquer present fear by recalling past victories of the Lord

     >V38 -40 : using the armour /gifts / abilities that God has given you to fight. David is not used to Saul’s armour. This is like  a 12-year old wearing his daddy's suit. 

      >V45 : relying on your powerful God for it is His battle .Goliath is attacking God's army / people.,not just any army. 

God gets hot and bothered when the enemy messes with His people


When you magnify the Lord , fears go away. Remind yourself of the size of your God. 

Israel is going ‘poor us’. David is going ‘poor Goliath’ !

Don't fight life’s battles in your strength. Our confidence and competence come from the Lord.




We are resuming a study series on ‘The Battle For Your Mind’. 

In November 2023, we started this series ( please visit and click ‘Bible Study’)

As we have said before, your mind is a battlefield where most of life's battles are won / lost. The life you have is often a reflection of the thoughts you think. The topic today is Depression 

Depression - describes an experience / condition where there is low mood and this impacts on your ability to function in your daily routine. It affects how you feel, think and how you act

Today we are studying the great Bible character of Elijah and his episode of depression 

1 KINGS 19: 1-18 ( Read )

Context - Elijah, a great man of God, has just emerged victorious in a contest at Mt Carmel (18:39 ).He achieved great exploits of faith in God's name. King Ahab tells Jezebel about Elijah’s victory. 

V2- How does Queen Jezebel react ? She is undaunted by Elijah's victory at Mt. Carmel. She sends a messenger (? maybe with a note  ) with a death threat to Elijah. 

Verses 3/4 : V3- NKJV - ‘when he saw that’… reading note from messenger. He is focussed on the letter of threat or message from Jezebel the queen. His eyes are not on the Lord .“We steer in the direction we stare”. He begins to live by sight.

V4- How does Elijah respond ?

He is in danger. He runs away for his life from this angry  woman Jezebel.Fear grips his heart. He has been standing for long hours on Mt . Carmel until the grand finale.

He is very likely anxious and physically exhausted / fatigued after running 70-80 miles south of Mt Carmel. He goes into the wilderness, sits under the shade of a low lying desert shrub (juniper tree ) He is in isolation. 

He is despairing - perhaps he is thinking his work is not fruitful so life is not worth living.

He lacks sleep. He is not caring for his body . “I’ve had enough,Lord” ,praying that the Lord take his life .He wants to die.Unable to cope. He isolates himself from others. He is feeling really bad about himself 

These are indicators or triggers for depression.Simple tasks become difficult. Negative outlook.They lose hope.

>>This is a different view of Elijah. One day, full of faith he speaks boldly to King Ahab about having a contest to see which God will answer by fire. The next day he gets discouraged and wants to die, to quit.

V5- How did God answer Elijah's prayer ? As he lay under the the tree, he fell asleep. God did not take his life.The Lord did not answer him in the affirmative but in the negative. He spared him.

Question to ponder : how would you feel / respond if God did not answer ‘yes’ to your prayer ?

Vv 6-7:  What happens while Elijah is asleep ? He is touched and awakened by an angel. Fresh,hot bread is provided and also a jar of water. This happens twice ! God is tender with Elijah and compassionate towards him 

> the point here is that in such times providing in a practical way is more important.

Some Christians would say that  if you're a true believer in Christ, you will not suffer depression.Some of the godliest people in the Bible suffered with depression. God is graciously taking care of Elijah in his low time

V8 - so Elijah receives God's great room service of food and drink. God intervenes miraculously by providing him with sustenance. He has to travel  for 40 days and 40 nights to Horeb ( Mt Sinai )

Vv 9 -18 : an interaction takes place between the Lord and Elijah to help him re-focus . This is triggered by the Lord asking Elijah, “What are you doing here,Elijah ?” ( vv 9, 13 )

Elijah is not answering the question- he is deflecting in his responses, self - focussed and looking at the deficiencies in the other prophets who are not there. God allows Elijah to vent his feelings 

Yet Elijah is not the only one left .In v18, there are seven thousand who are God -fearing and faithful. A perfect number symbolic of completion !

V12- God finally gets his attention by a still , small voice…a gentle whisper. God did not speak to him by wind ,earthquake or fire ; this did nothing to Elijah 

The Lord gives Elijah a second chance ; this time with the right perspective 

Vv15-18 : the Lord gives Elijah some tasks to anoint three people. These two kings and Elisha will help purge the nation of idolatry/ Baal worship.

          Application : how can you help a depressed person ?

 By treating them tenderly and compassionately - the Lord did not say “get over it Elijah!”

 By engaging in conversation to help the depressed person re- focus on what really matters

 In practical ways - God provided food and drink ( twice !) for Elijah. 

 Encouraging them to listen in to God's still ,small voice and reading God's Word

 Prompt them into doing small tasks. This adds structure to their day and boosts their confidence 

 Pray because you recognise that we are helpless without Christ

                           Jesus says “come aside and rest.” “Come unto Me ,Rest in Me.”




This week our focus is on Prayer, Fasting and Drawing nearer to Jesus. 

Today as we spend time  in worship, this is some further encouragement from God's Word.

Devotional : Acts 16:14


After Paul receives a vision from God ( to go to Macedonia), he makes his way together with Luke and other travel companions to Philippi. This was a leading city of the district of Macedonia 

They go outside this city and down to the riverside for a prayer meeting. It is Sabbath day so they are are expecting to find others gathered for prayer. They join a group of women who are there. They are speaking with the women - sharing the good news of Jesus 

Verse 14 highlights one of these women, namely Lydia.

( v14) “One of those listening was a woman of Thyatira named Lydia, a dealer in purple cloth.She was a worshipper of God.The Lord opened her heart to respond to Paul's message.”

Lydia is described as a worshipper of God.Wow ! She has her priorities right ! Even in her busy life of exclusively trading purple cloth, she was not focussed on herself. 

The phrase ‘worshipper of God’ carries the idea that she shows reverence and awe to God.To hold in high regard and reverent fear  ( to revere ) 

The spotlight is on God not her wealth or successful business. This is what worship is - shifting the focus - off  ourselves and onto another. In Lydia's case, it is all about God. 

For us ,it should be the same 

Lydia understood the importance of intentionally setting aside time to pray and worship God

One pastor said ‘the cure for ‘it's all about me” is worship whereby ‘it's all about God’.The cure for narcissism is theism.’

Worship is the one activity we do now and which we will do in heaven too.

It is the proper response TO God FROM the heart whereby we place God ABOVE everything and everyone else. “Because you have loved me, I worship you genuinely ,I love You Lord….”

As Lydia listened to Paul sharing the good news, “The Lord opened her heart to respond to Paul's message”.

The word ‘opened’ ( from the Greek ) carries the idea of to ‘open up completely, all the way’. It means to “open thoroughly what had been closed. To open one’s soul, to rouse in one the faculty of understanding and the desire of learning.”

In those precious moments down by the riverside, God gives Lydia a fresh revelation of Jesus. He gives her a desire in her heart to learn MORE about the gospel of grace. She takes the next step and trusts Christ as Saviour ( the first European convert to Christianity !)

So for us too as we seek God, as we worship Him. Let us ask God to pry our hearts wide open so completely, we receive a fresher revelation of Jesus.

Let us long to know Him more no matter how much we think we know about Him.

Let us spend time to discover God's truths and rejoice in His promises for us

    May this be our desire today and every day !

Prayer : Lord Jesus, pull back the veil so I can see You more clearly and hear You more distinctly. Give me the desire , the strong urge to spend time with you intentionally  and in daily in worship. Help me by the power of your Holy Spirit to embrace who You are more  ( your character) and to trust in what you can do more (  your capability )

Thank You Lord that You are able to do infinitely more than my greatest request .Indeed You are able to exceed my wildest imagination ! I worship You .




Devotional to guide and encourage you

 during these two weeks of Prayer, Fasting and Drawing nearer to Jesus


         Romans 8:26-27 (Read)

Our focus is on prayer. 

It is in prayer and spending time with God that we as believers express our relationship with God.

God listens to our prayers and answers them. 

We have God's promises that we can cling to with faith as we pray. 

When we pray, our prayers are like sweet-smelling incense to our God. 

Paul shares some truths here about the role of the Holy Spirit when we pray. 

The Holy Spirit groans with us in our weaknesses, burdens and sufferings.

Additionally, the Holy Spirit is praying for us as He groans,

 so that we will be led into the perfect will of God.

We seek God because we desire His will. We don't always know how to pray. 

So the Spirit intercedes for us, bringing us into alignment with God's will 

despite the sufferings and trials we are facing. 

   “Do we pray for a cure or for strength and perseverance? 

Do we change our location or pray for a change in our attitude?...

I really don't know Lord what to pray.”

God’s got it !!

“The Spirit helps us in our weaknesses” - 

note verse 26 does not say ‘the Spirit helps in our perfection, 

or when we aren't anxious or peace- filled.’

This means we are dependent on the One powerful enough to help us. He covers us with grace. God does not turn us away. 

God gives us the ability to trust Him so that we would not depend on ourselves 

When we don't understand, God our Father, 

by the Spirit is interceding effectively and sympathetically for you His child.He prays for you not just on your behalf but in our place. God searches our hearts and certainly knows what He causes His Spirit to pray for us ,His people .

The Spirit intercedes between me - the one who does not know - and God, the One who does  know the answers

When we pray the Holy Spirit will interpret that correctly in accordance with God's will. 

As we pray in the Spirit we can use the gift of tongues -

we can groan - as we communicate with God. 

So draw nearer to God. Let God continue to rule and reign in your hearts by faith. 

Jesus makes it clear that the Father wants to give to us; He wants to answer prayer. This is to be seen in a life that submits to God’s will and lives in intimate relationship with Him ( John 15:7 )

Thursday 4th January 2024

A Devotional on Faithfulness 

“When the time came for the purification rites required by the Law of Moses, Joseph and Mary took Him to Jerusalem to present Him to the Lord 

(as it is written in the Law of the Lord, 

“Every firstborn male is to be consecrated to the Lord” ), 

and to offer a sacrifice in keeping with what is said in the Law of the Lord: 

“a pair of doves or two young pigeons.””

Luke 2:22-24 (NIV)

Faithful Obedience to God & Sacrifice 

A little bit of background information. 

Following the birth of a son, the mother had to wait 40 days at home for a male child before going to the temple to offer sacrifice for her purification according to the law of Moses. 


If she could not afford a lamb & a pigeon or dove, 

then two pigeons or doves would be acceptable. 

This sacrifice could be done only at Jerusalem & required a journey there. The sacrifice offered was the less expensive one, permitted to poor people - a deliberate reference to the humble status of Joseph & Mary. 

Jewish law required that a firstborn child had to be redeemed, bought back. 

All firstborn creatures were seen as consecrated to God. 

This was expressed by sacrificing the firstborn of animals & 

by making a payment of five Israeli shekels or twenty Roman denarii 

in lieu of children when they were a month old. 

It’s worth mentioning here that this would have been equal 

to the income for twenty days of work for a man at that time. 

Every firstborn son was to be consecrated or dedicated to the Lord 

for two reasons : 

  1. To remember the firstborn sons who were rescued from the final plague in Egypt & 
  2. To honour the promise of the substitutionary atonement of the firstborn of God Who would redeem humankind    (Exodus 13:2,12; Numbers 3:12). 

Jesus was present because Mary seems also to have made 

a special offering of her child to God for His service, 

just as in the Old Testament Hannah had given Samuel to God 

in the Temple. 

In these ways all possible requirements of the law were fulfilled. 

Faith & Fulfilment of Promise

‘O Lord, in the morning You hear my voice, in the morning 

I lay my requests before You & wait in expectation,’ Psalm 5:3. 

 No doubt both Simeon & Anna would have been familiar 

with this verse from the Psalm of David. 

“Now there was a man in Jerusalem called Simeon, 

who was righteous and devout. 

He was waiting for the consolation of Israel, & the Holy Spirit was on him. 

It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not die 

before he had seen the Lord’s Messiah. 

Moved by the Spirit, he went into the temple courts. 

When the parents brought in the child Jesus to do for Him 

what the custom of the Law required, 

Simeon took Him in his arms and praised God, saying: 

“Sovereign Lord, as You have promised, 

You may now dismiss Your servant in peace. 

For my eyes have seen Your salvation, which You have prepared 

in the sight of all nations: a light for revelation to the Gentiles, 

& the glory of Your people Israel.” 

The child’s father & mother marvelled at what was said about Him. 

Then Simeon blessed them and said to Mary, His mother: 

“This child is destined to cause the falling & rising of many in Israel, 

& to be a sign that will be spoken against, 

so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. 

And a sword will pierce your own soul too.””

Luke 2:25-35 (NIV)

‘The story of Simeon in Luke 2:25-35

is a beautiful picture of the faithfulness of God.  

Simeon was a very elderly man but He had a promise from God 

which he had held on to for many years.  

He was a devout man. He knew that in God’s time that this promise 

would be fulfilled & that was sufficient for him.

He faithfully served as a priest while he waited 

in eager anticipation for this prophecy to be fulfilled. 

Or in English we might say ‘he waited with bated breath.’

God had told Simeon that He would not die 

until He had seen the Lord’s Christ, the Messiah.  

He lived in a place of expectation that God would be faithful to His Word 

& then one day the Bible tells us 

that the Holy Spirit prompted Simeon to go to the temple.  

Being the devout man that he was Simeon would have been to the temple many many times before, 

but without knowing it this day was going to be very different.  

At the precise moment he entered the temple enclosure, 

so did Mary & Joseph with baby Jesus. 

They were there doing what every other Jewish parent did back then & brought their baby to the temple to be dedicated.  

God as the ultimate divine connector used 

this seemingly normal occurrence to fulfil His promise to Simeon.  

Simeon, Joseph, and Mary met in the temple enclosure & under the unction of the Holy Spirit, Simeon knew he was looking at the Messiah.

Following the small promptings of the Holy Spirit are usually the key 

to receiving the blessings of God & the next step in our journey with Him.  

Simeon could have ignored the prompting, he could have allowed 

other things to come to the forefront of his mind.  

He could have stopped to chat to others on his way to the temple or 

he could have gone into another part of the temple.  

He could have put off going to the temple at that precise moment 

& chosen to go later, but God.  

God had a plan to connect Simeon with Mary, Joseph, & the Messiah 

in order to fulfil His promise to Simeon.  

All of them had to be in the right place at the right time, 

doing the right things. 

They were all led of the Holy Spirit, so that is exactly what happened.

Everything worked in perfect alignment. 

In what ways have you personally experienced 

the faithfulness of God, as you have stepped out in obedience? 

Is there  anyone like to share a short testimony 

that highlights this fact? 

The Song of Simeon (Nunc Dimittis)

‘Lord, now You let Your servant go in peace :

Your Word has been fulfilled. 

My own eyes have seen the salvation :

Which You have prepared in the sight of every people, 

a light to reveal You to all nations : 

And the glory of Your people Israel.

Glory to the Father & to the Son :

And to the Holy Spirit; 

As it was in the beginning, is now :

And shall be forever. Amen.’ 

In the words of Simeon, which we know as the Nunc Dimittis, 

we too can commit ourselves in faith & joy to God. 

‘We wait in hope for the Lord, He is our help & our shield. 

In Him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in His holy name. 

May Your unfailing love rest upon us, O Lord, 

even as we put our hope in You, ‘ Psalm 33:20-22. 

When we encounter unexpected moments in life, 

may God teach us how to stay faithful to Him. 

Our faithfulness to God will never be in vain. 

A life that is fully devoted to Him is always worth living. 

We may encounter challenges along the way, but God is faithful to us. 

May we learn to stay faithful, 

even when we go through difficult seasons in life.

Then we move on to our next character : Anna. 

“There was also a prophet, Anna, the daughter of Penuel, 

of the tribe of Asher. 

She was very old; she had lived with her husband seven years 

after her marriage, & then was a widow until she was eighty-four. 

She never left the temple but worshiped night and day, fasting & praying. Coming up to them at that very moment, she gave thanks to God 

and spoke about the child to all who were looking forward 

to the redemption of Jerusalem.”

Luke 2:36-38 (NIV)

Luke refers to Anna, a prophetess who had been devoted for most of her life 

to serving God through the ministry of prayer. 

‘She never left the temple, but worshipped night & day, fasting & praying.’ 

Herod’s temple was quite large & included rooms for various uses, 

& Anna may have been allowed to live in one of them. 

So Anna probably spent her waking hours attending & worshipping in the temple. 

Life had dealt a cruel blow to Anna, 

as she was widowed after only seven years of marriage. 

Yet she had not become bitter or resentful, 

or allowed her circumstances to overwhelm her.

She continued to trust in God & in His promises. 

When Moses blessed the tribes of Israel before his death 

he said of the tribe of Asher ‘Your strength will be equal to your days,’ 

& ‘the Eternal God is your refuge & underneath are the Everlasting Arms,’ Deuteronomy 33:25b & 27. 

Anna was the daughter of Penuel, of the tribe of Asher, 

she showed in her life the beauty & the reality of those words 

spoken many years before by Moses.

The years spent in relationship with the Lord 

had allowed Anna to be in tune with the Holy Spirit. 

So much so that the very hour the baby Jesus came into the temple 

she felt it in her soul. 

Each day of her life was lived to the full in praise & worship, 

her source of strength & security being firmly founded in God & His Word.  

She lived to see God’s Word ‘made flesh.’ 

For, like Simeon, her eyes too saw God’s salvation 

in that child named Jesus, & she shared her joy with all who would listen, 

all those who were also looking forward to the One Who would come, 

Who had now come. 

Sensing her Saviour’s nearness, something welled up inside of Anna : 

overwhelming gratitude. 

She could not hold back her praise & immediately began giving thanks to God 

(Luke 2:38).

Coming up to Mary & Joseph, Anna gave thanks to God & spoke about the child 

to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem. 

Simeon & Anna were ‘young at heart’ in spite of being in their eighties or nineties.

They were also both strong in faith & love, as they saw their longing fulfilled. 

Would anyone like to share an instance 

where they have recently been encouraged 

& given thanks to God for something that has been 

a direct answer to one of their prayers? 


Mary & Joseph demonstrated faithful obedience 

by presenting the appropriate sacrifices required for poor people 

after the birth of Jesus in the Temple, in line with Jewish Law. 

Simeon & Anna were both in their eighties or even nineties at least 

& remained faithful to God waiting for the promised Messiah to come.

Because of their faithfulness, they were able to live 

until He was dedicated in the temple 

& see that promise of the Messiah in the flesh in their lifetime. 

The same is true for you & for me. 

God has a plan to fulfil His promises to each one of us as individuals.  

He knows exactly when, where, why, & how He is going to do it.  

It could very well happen in the ordinary everyday things that you & I are doing, 

but as we follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit day-by-day 

God will connect us with people & places & will lead us into situations.

Then we will realise that they are ‘God-incidences’ 

or another way of phrasing it is also that they are ‘Divine appointments.’

Be encouraged today by the faithfulness of God to Simeon & Anna.  

What God did for them He can also do for you & me, as He is no respecter of persons.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.  

In the ordinary everyday things that you & I are doing 

God is orchestrating things to position us to receive 

the manifestation of His plans, promises, & purposes.  

May we also trust & follow the leading of the Holy Spirit just like Simeon & Anna did.  

May we too be constant, steadfast, & unwavering in our faith. 

May we continue to spend our lives cultivating a lifestyle of worship & prayer.

May we be as wholeheartedly committed & devoted as they were 

in serving the Lord on a day-to-day, run-of-the-mill basis.  

May their examples be an inspiration for us 

to continue developing a habit of prayer & to grow 

& become more mature believers in Christ, 

reflecting His character & attitude in all that we think, say, & do. 

May we live with our ultimate goal being to praise, glorify, 

& honour God in all things. Amen! 

In response, let’s sing together :-

‘I Love You Lord, & I Lift My Voice’ & 

‘Lord, the Light of Your Love is Shining (Shine, Jesus, Shine)’

Closing Prayer

Thank-You, Lord for Your Word that leads us into wisdom & truth about Who You are. 

Thank-You for the years that Your love has kept & guided us. 

We are grateful for Your faithfulness to us. May we remain faithful & obedient to You. 

Help us to continue to look to You when we read Your Word, 

knowing that being in a relationship with You 

will allow us to have the veil of our sinfulness removed 

so that we can one day see You face-to-face. 

We thank-You for Your Holy Spirit Who continues to guide us into all truth 

& remind us of Your teaching, Jesus. 

As we have just celebrated Your first coming, 

may we long for Your Second Coming with an ever-increasing passion & zeal. 

Thank-You God, for all the years You have given us - 

Your love which has sustained us, Your grace which has supported & carried us, 

& all Your blessings which have enriched & empowered us. 

Help us, Lord, to stay close to You, so close that we can sense Your nearness, 

& that it causes us to rejoice with thanksgiving from hearts filled 

with an attitude of gratitude for Who You are & for all that You have done for us. 

May our lives reflect more & more of You, Jesus, 

as we grow to show & share Your Light & Love with those we meet. 

Thank-You for this time of joy & celebration, 

& to You be all praise & glory for ever & ever Jesus Christ, our Lord & Saviour. Amen!